Package Design & Card Design

First impression is the last impression ! If you want to stay ahead of your buyers you need to give them good reasons for it , a memorable package and Thank you card is a great opportunity to make an everlasting first impression on your buyers.

Why Us?

Our researchers analyze the market and identify buyer pain points and craft the most heart warming packaging and Thank you card designs that will not only help in brand awareness but also give your customers a unique experience that will make them want to buy from you again.

We then use psychological principles of design and color theory to give make our designs

We keep you updated with the whole process so you can ask for any changes that you want along the way.

Our Package Design & Card Design Portfolio

Our Package Design & Card Design Package

Mega Package

  • Attractive packaging
  • Heart warming Thank you card
  • Free audit of your listing
  • 10% OFF On EBC, listing images and storefront
  • Suggestion for PPC

How It Works

The process is hassle-free

Step 1: Let Us Know the Following

1. How do you want your buyers to feel upon receiving the package
2. Any specific message you want to convey
3. Any inspiration you may have
And leave the rest to us!

Step 2: The Magic Begins

Now you’ll wait for our team to do its magic . Don’t worry it won’t take long.

Step 3: Order Delivery

The order will be delivered to you within 3-5 working days.

What Our Clients are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions