Listing Copywriting & Optimization

Why Us?

  1. Our researchers analyze the market and identify buyer pain points to find out what will hit your buyers right in the feels.
  2. We perform thorough keyword research to identify highly relevant keywords.
  3. We use copywriting techniques like the AIDA formula to generate the description
  4. We place the keywords strategically instead of overstuffing.
  5. Before the Content is submitted to you, it goes through a 2 step quality check process to ensure that only the best design reaches you.

Our Listing Copywriting & Optimization Packages

Standard Package

  • 1 Title
  • 5 bullets
  • Description
  • Keywords File
  • Backend search terms

Premium Package

  • 1 Title
  • 5 bullets
  • AIDA formula Description
  • Keywords File
  • Backend search terms
  • List of pain points of buyers
  • Report on improving your listing quality
  • Free-PPC audit and suggestions

How It Works

The process is hassle-free

Step 1: Getting Ready

You provide us with the raw images of your product . Please note that the raw images should be of high resolution and should be taken in good lighting. Raw images also include lifestyle images i.e images of your product being used in real life.

Step 2: Tell us what you want

After that, you’ll need to fill in this form and let us know what your expectations are and that’s it! We are good to go!

Step 3: The Magic Begins

Now you’ll wait for our team to do its magic . Don’t worry it won’t take long.

Step 4: Order Delivery

The order will be delivered to you within 4-7 working days (Depending upon the nature of the project) Now, You are all set to crush your competition.

What Our Clients are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions